



Yasreana tells a tale to a young Dark Elf Shadow Knight in Nektulos Forest while tending his wounds...


You there...
you are injured..
let me take a look, I am a cleric after all
Who am I?
A fair question I suppose.
I am Yasreana Deleal born to the house of Aleval
Oh you want to know more then my name.
Well then I suggest you take a seat friend, for my tale is not a short one.
I should tell you then, that I was not born on this world. I hail from a planet called Dra-Shi.
I was born on the northern planes on the eastern continent of Shaniden.
I never knew my parents. I was born during an attack from a rival house and for all I know my family is dead.
I have been told that upon returning from a supply run to the city of Sorn one of the Shaldonian clerics came upon a young drow woman carrying two children, when he reached the woman one of the children, a young male, was already dead, and the other, myself, was barely alive. The woman told the cleric a little about what had transpired.
As the cleric attended my wounds the woman ran off leaving behind this necklace, with my name and house etched into it, as the only proof of my heritage.
The cleric took me to the Platinum castle of Shaldone, deep in the heart of the great red desert. There I was raised among the many followers of Drashanon, the Lord of Shadow. Life in the castle proved beneficial since the followers of Drashanon where more then happy to pass on their wisdom. As I grew older I wanted more and more to join one of sects who lived in the castle, and though I found the stealth and skill of the ninja intriguing, I decided to join the clergy in order to work more directly with the great Shadow Weaver.
As time passed I began to venture out to spread the teachings of Drashanon. I was accompanied only by my puppy Wode (a black dire wolf). I found Wode when I was very young and spent all that I had to have the best animal trainers in Shaldone teach us to communicate. I don't speak of him much because the pain of his loss is still with me.
As time went on we spent much of it guiding lost travelers safely to their destinations. As a result I have seen much of Shaniden, and nothing is more beautiful to me then seeing the sister moons trading places in the sky, while a Gem gargoyle shimmers in flight over the Drandor Mountains. ::Sighs:: Truly awe inspiring.
One night, after escorting a pair of young rouges to the city of Quastiks, Wode and I made camp in the woods just east of the Stormlord Mountains. As I fell asleep I noticed a slight pulling sensation, though at the time I passed it off as fatigue. When I awoke I was in a city I had never seen before, I now know it to be the city of Neriak. I was without my priestly robes, my abilities were gone, and I found my prayers to Drashanon went unanswered.
I then met a young shadow knight by the name of Lilliandra, who took me to the local priests of Innoruuk. There I learned of the prince of Hate and eventually joined his clergy to make my way in this strange world. As I traveled the forest I was introduced to many others who I now call friend.
They were kind enough to take me in and now I strive to bring honor to myself and to my position among the priests of Innoruuk.
So my friend, that is who I am.
well now, it looks like your wounds are all better.
Take care now friend. And remember my name, Yasreana Deleal; it may help down the road.


Home Up Norrath Wode Destiny Larynda

This site was last updated 03/06/04