Dra Shi


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Dra Shi


Yasreana's home planet





bullet Shanidan
bullet Baridan
bullet Kreash
bullet Saures
bullet Durill
bullet Islands



bullet Atyna
bullet Daltar
bullet Drashanon
bullet Drevvik
bullet Kerrish
bullet Kyren
bullet Nilak
bullet Ortokk
bullet Serlyn
bullet Turnis




Dra-Shi is the fourth planet in a twin star system. The central yellow star, Solas, is orbited by a white dwarf star, named Solan. The planets in order of closest to the suns to farthest from the suns are Miran, Doar, Jaras, Dra-Shi, Lothan, Ordrick, Kytha, Nistan, Taisar, and Lostei.

Dra-Shi is orbited by the moons Monan and Jarpa, which circle the planet directly across from each other at all times. The moons orbit in such a way that no place on the planet will go a full day without being graced by one of the moons, though at times both moons are partially visible on opposite horizons as one rises and the other falls.

The Drashian year lasts 384 days, which are 24 hours long.
The Drashian calendar has 12 months each of which has 4 weeks that are 8 days long. Thus every month is 32 days long.
The months in order are
Sais, Dain, Sanru, Yanis, Gasa, Rakusa, Hanan, Hachi, Kyun, Haju, Juki, and Junan.
The days of the week are Solas, Monas, Jarpas, Ordis, Kythas, Nisas, Taisas, and Solanas.
Spring, in the northern hemisphere, begins on the first day of
Sais, beginning the calendar year. Summer begins on the first of Yanis, fall on the first of Hanon, and winter begins on the first of Haju.

The seasons on Dra-Shi are not as extreme as those on earth because it's axis is at a lesser angle, causing much milder season changes though the difference does vary more at the poles.
Due to the planet's distance from the suns, the surface is not warmed as much as that of earth, thought the low axis does allow for a more even global temperature.
The most common climate is temperate, with sub tropical being a close second.

The tides on Dra-Shi change very quickly, due to the gravitational pull of the suns and the moons.
Sometimes they can be very dangerous to those unfortunate enough to be out on the beach when the tide comes in as a series of enormous waves. In some areas the water level from high to low tide may be a difference of 50 ft. depending on the season. Sea captains prefer to be away from shore when the tides change, many a boat has been lost, crashed against the shore, when the tide came in.


The eastern continent of Shaniden, which is about the size of Europe, Africa, and Asia combined, is the largest single landmass on the planet.
To the east of the continent is the
Kassic Ocean.
The mountain ranges include the Northern Range, the East Wall Mountains, and the Stormlord/Drandor range to the west.
The northwest is made up mostly of the North Wood, which stretches south from the northern range to the foothills of the
Drandor Mountains. The major cities (and the founding race) include: Treth (Wood Elf), Frell (Grey Elf), Sarloff (High Elf), and Crell (Halfling).
The Plains of Caras take up most of the northeastern area and are inhabited mostly by Orcs, Goblins, and a few tribal Humans.
Carasian Sea, which is just south of the Plains, is actually a large fresh water lake with a volcanic island in the center.
The island holds the city of
Marth (mixed), which is home to a group of Monks who grow and export many herbs that cannot be found anywhere else on the planet.
The city of
Sorn is on the western coast of the sea, and is the main harbor for trade to and from the island.
South of the sea, located between the Stormlord and East Wall mountain ranges, is the desert of
Shaldone. High iron content has given the desert a reddish color.
In the center of the desert is the platinum Shaldone castle. The castle is the main temple to Drashanon and is inhabited by many of his followers including his Clerics, Ninja, and Thieves.
West of the
Drandor Mountains are the ruins of Mundane (?), it is said that this city was destroyed in a battle involving Wizards and Gargoyles against two giant metal Golems. This story is supported by the metal scraps and broken statues of gargoyles that litter the ruins.
The Drandor and Stormlord mountains are home to many Dwarven cities and Gargoyle tribes.
West of the Stormlord mountains, near the equator, is the city of
Quastix (Half Elves).
The central rain forest reaches south from Shaldone to the southern tip of the continent. Located just north of the equator toward the center of the forest is the city of
Krev (Thri-Kreen).
The southern area of the rain forest is often called the South Woods. The city of
Nastice (Kender) is near the southwest tip of the continent on the edge of the woods.

West of Shanidan, across the
Drias Ocean, is the continent of Baridan
Baridan has a small range of mountains across the center and is almost completely covered by rain forest.
The cities of Baridan include Markus (Wood Elf), Dordan (High Elf), Borein (Human), and Kraig (Kender).
Along with many other races, the forests of Baridan are home to many Sprites, Treants, and Dryad.

West of Baridan, across the Se of Gerona, is the continent of Kreash.
Dordan Mountains form the northeast coastline, while the Rassa range dominates the northwest coast. The Kressa Mountains run north and south through the center of the continent.
On the northern peaks of
Kressa Mountains is the city of Crill (Dwarf).
Between the Kressa and Rassa ranges lies the forest of
Tikeir. The forest has 2 known cities, Chall (Wood Elf) and Tikeir (Wood Elf). South of Tikier is the Fobrish Marsh, home to Lizard folk and the city of Greth (Turam).
East of the
Kressa Mountains are the Dread Plains, which are ruled by Orcs, and Goblins.
South of the Dread Plains is the small
Kortha Forest and the city of Sarth, the only known human settlement on the continent.
North of the Dread Plains is a forest that has yet to be mapped or claimed by any sentiant race.
On the southern tip of the continent is the city of
Trell (Halfling).

East of the mainland of Kreash is the Island of
Saures. Saures is home to many dragon like reptiles varying in size from that of a chicken to that of an Elder Wyrm.
The island has two well-guarded cities Sorial (Saurian), and Larth (Saurian).

West of Kreash is the Island of
Durill, the Islands major cities include Norn (Dwarf), and Lev (Dwarf).
The island has one mountain range running its center from north to south and 2 tropical rainforests that have not been mapped or claimed by any known sentiant race.

There are many islands that dot the waters of Dra-Shi, most of which are uncharted.
There is a legend that speaks of one strange island, the actual translation being the Isle of Odds.
According to legend, the island moves through the world's oceans and is home to many unusual creatures.
Many dismiss the legend as a fairy tale since no one claiming to have been there has ever been able to give any proof of it's existence.

There are no mammals inherent to the planet. Aside from the humanoid races that have colonized it there are still very few mammals living on Dra-Shi. Those mammals that do reside on the planet were either brought over by Mages, or on board space faring ships. It should be noted, however, that the majority of mammals that are common to other worlds do have a reptilian counterpart on Dra-Shi. There are a number of creatures that are completely indigenous to Dra-Shi and have never been able to survive on other worlds. For a list of the creatures common to Dra-Shi, please go to the Beastiary, thanks.

Here are
some of the most common "deities" from Dra-Shi. I am including the Name, Alignment, Title, and some brief information on each deity.

Atyna - N

Atyna is the Elvin Nature Goddess. Her followers include most Elves as well as Rangers and Druids of many races. Atyna is said to appear as a pale skinned Elf with long golden hair who wonders gracefully through the forests unclad.

Daltar - LG

Daltar is the Deity of honor. His followers include Samurai, and Fighters of good alignment. Daltar rides into battle wearing a traditional samurai armor made of Ebony and Ivory and is held together by cords of royal blue silk. His stead is said to be a large black stallion with a white mane and tail. Daltar's followers are expected to follow a strict code of honor, and any priest or cleric who strays from that path of honor instantly looses all abilities granted to them.

Drashanon - LE

Drashanon is the God of Shadows. Ninja, Thieves and Assassins, are all common followers of Drashanon. Drashanon is said to appear as a human male who is always clad in a black ninja suit with a silver lined black cape. He is said to float about 4 inches off the ground and his pale blue eyes have no pupil or iris. There is also a legend that claimed Drashanon casts the shadow of a dragon; this has earned him the nickname of Dragon Shadow.

Drevvik -CG
Drevvik is the Dwarven Deity of creation. Many Dwarves, as well as Blacksmiths from all races, follow the teachings of Drevvik. Drevvik appears as a burly Dwarf with golden hair, and a long golden beard. His followers believe he forged the lands and creatures using a mighty hammer and a mystic forge, and the oceans are said to be mixed with his sweat and tears.

Kerrish - NE

Kerrish is the god of Death. Necromancers are among his typical followers. Kerrish is said to appear as a pair of fiery red eyes floating in a shadowy cloak wielding a great sword, he is often said to ride a fiery black horse.

Kyren - LN

Kyren is the God of Magic and Knowledge. His Followers include Wizards and scholars. Kyren is said to appear as an old man with a long white beard and long white hair clad in green and gold robes and a large brimmed hat..

Nilak - CN

Nilak is the Deity of travelers and the road. His followers include Kender and all who love to travel. Nilak appears as an elder Kender with a graying coppery hair

Ortokk -CE
Master of Rage. Ortokk is the Orcish Deity of War. All Orcs, as well as many evil Barbarians, and Fighters, praise Ortokk for strength in battle. Ortokk is said to appear as a large orc warrior with his right eye missing, replaced by a large scar. Ortokk demands blood sacrifices from his followers, usually right before a battle. Any humanoid sacrifice is sufficient, but it is said he prefers High Elvin females.

Serlyn -NG

Serlyn is the goddess of light. Her followers include Paladin and Fighters of good alignment. Serlyn is said to appear as a beautiful woman with fiery hair and fair skin clad in golden armor.

Turnis -N

Turnis is said to be a giant turtle swimming along the ethereal plane. She is the mother of the Turam and all the creatures of the sea. Her followers include the Turam Race as well as many sailors and fishermen. Her followers hold ceremonies to praise Turnis, these ceremonies often include hallucinogenic plants to help induce 'visions'.



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This site was last updated 03/06/04